AI Storyboard Generator for Food & Beverage advertising

Transform food advertising visuals effortlessly with our AI storyboard generator. Seamlessly create compelling food video scenes and mouthwatering recipes, no prompting skills are required.

ai storyboard specific shot details
ai storyboard example

From brief to storyboard in seconds

Simply upload your creative brief or food concept and our AI storyboard generator will create an automatic food video scenes breakdown with images.

You don’t have to worry about the format of your document. Our AI storyboard generator will create a food advertising storyboard for you instantly and you can add your creative magic.

No prompting required

Generating a food video storyboard is easy with Shai. You can generate AI food images without any prompting. We create images for your food advertising storyboard by analyzing your brief with AI. Our AI storyboard generator makes it possible for anyone to generate a food advertising storyboard easily in minutes.

Real-time adjustments

Edit any food video detail such as shot composition, styling angle, etc. and Shai will make real-time adjustments to the image leveraging AI.

Test new ideas for each food scene with our AI storyboard generator. Any change you make to your project will be automatically reflected to any other member of your team with whom you have shared the project.

Watch the demo

Here we show you how you can easily generate a food advertising storyboard leveraging our AI technology. Make a coffee, sit down and enjoy the view.

Smart AI-assistant for your creative process

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